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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Information we collect

Information you provide to us

We collect your personal information when you provide it to us, such as by purchasing products or Services from us; using or registering for our Services; leaving reviews or ratings of our products on our Sites; or when you contact or communicate with us. The personal information we collect directly from you may include your name, online usernames or account identifiers, postal address, zip code, email address, telephone number, gender, date of birth/age, and location information. We also collect certain categories of personal information from you in connection with specific interactions you have with us. For example:

  • When you make a purchase or use the Services
  • When you create an account, download our Apps, or rate/review our products
  • When you interact with us online, over social media, or in public

Automatically collected information

Like many businesses, we and our service providers collect certain information about you through automated means when we interact with you.

  • Automated data collection technologies we use
  • Information these technologies automatically collect
  • Location information

Information collected from other sources

We also acquire personal information from other sources who have the right to provide such information to us. For example, we may acquire address information from these sources to validate or update your postal address or to prevent fraud; demographic and lifestyle information to help us analyze our business’ performance or improve the Services; and information about your online and offline transactions and purchases to help us analyze or improve the Services.

How we use your information

To provide and improve the services

We use your personal information – such as your address and transaction details – to fulfill, validate, manage, deliver, and/or track your orders and transactions; process payments; process and verify returns and refunds; provide and improve our customer service; and to facilitate curbside pick-up and delivery services.

To communicate with you

For example, we use your personal information – such as your email address, telephone number, online usernames, and other contact information – to respond to your inquiries; to provide you with information about your account, purchases, transactions, Services, and the Program; to conduct surveys, sweepstakes, contests, focus groups, and promotions; to facilitate the treatment of your pet or other pet health-related services.

To provide you personalized advertising, marketing, advocacy options, and other information we think may be of interest to you

For example, we use your personal information – such as your IP address and device identifiers – to help us or our service providers deliver interest-based advertising and content that is tailored to your individual interests. This includes advertising networks and our data analytics service providers who facilitate customized advertising and marketing services.


Pawowr Pets uses cookies according to the new Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer that contains information that helps the website to identify and track the visitor. Cookies do no harm to your computer, consist only of text, can not contain viruses and occupies virtually no space on your hard drive. There are two types of cookies: "Session Cookies" and cookies that are saved permanently on your computer.

The first type of cookie commonly used is "Session Cookies". During the time you visit the website, our web server assigns your browser a unique identifier string so as not to confuse you with other visitors. A "Session Cookie" is never stored permanently on your computer and disappears when you close your browser. To use Pawowr Pets without troubles you need to have cookies enabled.

The second type of cookie saves a file permanently on your computer. This type of cookie is used to track how visitors move around on the website. This is only used to offer visitors better services and support. The text files can be deleted. On Pawowr Pets we use this type of cookie to keep track of your shopping cart and to keep statistics of our visitors. The information stored on your computer is only a unique number, without any connection to personal information.